administrative tools and student resources

Please refer to the following information to learn about processes in the AERO department. If you have additional questions after having read the directions, please contact the AERO office for support.

General Information

All financial transactions must be run through the club treasurer/budget manager, allowing them to record the deposit or withdrawal.

Provide the correct funding information. Errors cannot be corrected (ie. using your IRA fund instead of letting us know this was meant to be a CP Connect purchase).

Cal Poly is NOT tax exempt, state taxes will be applied. 

If a vendor requests a W-9, please contact the AERO office.

Cal Poly’s fiscal year is July 1 – June 30.

To request a trial balance, transaction list, or question, please contact AERO office.

Purchasing a Gift Card: follow directions at: Gift Cards – Procure to Pay – Cal Poly. Include a Hospitality Form (PDF)

Printing shirts with logos or Cal Poly branding: Follow the directions at University Brand – Trademark Licensing ( Include a Hospitality Form (PDF).

Making a club deposit

Your club treasurer or president should be the only person making a cash/check deposit.

Please schedule an appointment with AERO office to make the deposit.

Be prepared to verify the cash and/or checks totaled.

IRA renewal

Every March, the dean’s office sends out information to the clubs to remind them to renew their IRA. Detailed information, along with the forms, can be found through Academic Programs’ website:

Work directly with your faculty advisor to complete the IRA renewal application.

Turn in completed applications to the AERO office. The department chair’s signature will be obtained for your club and then submitted to the dean’s office.

IRA allocations are deposited into your club’s fund between September – October.

Accepting a donation

If you receive a check donation to your club, bring the check to the AERO office in 41-134 to complete a gift form and have the check deposited into your club account.

If your club has been offered a physical gift, (gift-in-kind) please contact the AERO office before you accept a physical gift.

If you would like a list of donors who have given to your club, please contact Elise Erb in advancement in the CENG Dean’s office (192-310)

It is important to declare your concentration to ensure your Degree Progress Report and Academic Progress Level is up to date for registration.  

In order to declare your concentration, please:

Field trip guidelines:

Conduct a pre-trip evaluation using the Pre-Trip Evaluation Worksheet (available at the Risk Management Field Trip and Activity Information page) and submit the worksheet to the department. This may require a site visit, which can be omitted if the field trip leader can demonstrate and document sufficient knowledge of the field trip site. This could be accomplished by reviewing online, examining published materials, or contacting the site to discuss the visit.
Complete the leader portion of the University Field Activities Notification and distribute to students, preferably on the first day of class but definitely before the start of the field trip (available at the Risk Management Field Trip and Activity Information page).

Ensure that students initial and sign the student portion of the University Field Activities Notification, preferably on the first day of class but definitely before the start of the field trip. If a student refuses to sign the form, print his/her name on the form, indicate in the signature area that he/she received a copy, and date the form.

Ensure that students sign Release of Liability, Promise Not to Sue, Assumption of Risk and Agreement to Pay Claims form (available at the Risk Management Field Trip and Activity Information page). The Release of Liability and Field Activities Notification are part of the same document.

Submit copies of all required forms to the department/college, if the field trip is domestic, or the International Center, if the trip is international.

Provide a plan to accommodate any students with special needs. For assistance, contactthe Disability Resource Center.

Provide training for any equipment that may be used.

Provide an alternate assignment for students unwilling to accept the risk of participation for “serious and compelling” reasons (for defined reasons, see Academic Senate Resolution AS-103-80-IC.pdf). Note: In a major where the field trip is a part of the degree requirements, this provision applies to the specific field trip but not the degree requirement. In practice this means that a student may opt out of a field trip to one site, but the student must complete the requirement by participating in another field trip either at another site or time, if required by the program.

Comply with the CSU Use of University and Private Vehicles Policy Guidelines. See Administration and Finance, “Driver Safety & Training . For additional information, see the Risk Management Vehicle Use GuideBook.pdf.

Take roll at the beginning and end of the field trip; attach the roll sheet to the Travel Request Form 1A at the completion of the trip. Students leaving during the field trip should sign out on the Field Activities Sign Out Release Agreement; attach the agreement to the Travel Request.

Arrange all chartered air or bus travel through AFD Contracts and Procurement.

Please note that the request must be filled out by your faculty advisor.

AERO Lab Access Request Form

Hiring Process:  A request to hire an ISA must be made by faculty/supervisor. Once faculty submits a hire request, the department office will initiate two forms which will be routed to the student for signature via Adobe Sign. 

  • ASE 101: Agreement between faculty and student outlining job responsibilities.  
  • ISA 101: Payroll appointment record with rate of pay.

New Student Employee: Once you complete your section of the ISA 101 hiring form in Adobe Sign you will receive an email from I-9 tracker.

  • Fill out page 1,
  • Using the link provided, schedule your intake appointment with Payroll to complete a Student Employment Request Form (SERF) and I-9.  

Note: You must meet with Payroll Services no later than your first day of employment. You cannot be paid for any time prior to your intake being completed.

Please bring the following with you for your intake appointment:

Getting Paid:
  • → Step 1: Enter hours worked on your online timesheet. A student may not work more than 20 hours per week in all student jobs combined. If you work for multiple faculty within the same department, enter them together. Instructions for entering time.
  • → Step 2: Use the screen print function of your web browser to download a copy of your timesheet for your records (does not need to be submitted to the office).
Once you have entered your hours for the pay period, the office will approve and your pay will be issued within the regular pay cycle. Students are paid approximately on the 15th of the next month. Students can sign up for Direct Deposit to their bank account (you will need to provide your bank account# and routing# to Payroll) or pick up your paycheck at the Student Accounts window in Bldg 001, Rm. 211. Bring a photo ID to show at the time of pick up.
Late Timesheet
If you miss the deadline to submit hours using the online form, you will need to submit a late timesheet and your pay period will be interrupted. Late ISA timesheets that are submitted to Payroll Services by the 15th of the month are paid on approximately the 25th. Please email the completed late timesheet to your faculty and the office.  Faculty will email back with approval and then the office will submit the form to payroll for processing. Late Student Timesheet and Instructions.  

More information: 
Cal Employee Connect – Payroll Services – Cal Poly – Direct Deposit, W2 information, Cal Employee Connect login

Please read through and follow these directions before filling out the Purchase Request form:

You may use one form for multiple vendors. Please group items from same vendor together on the form.

Utilizing a shopping cart feature ensures ordering accuracy. If you have the option of assigning a shopping cart on the website, please create the cart and include the cart link on the purchase request (McMaster-Carr, DigiKey). For sites that don’t have a shopping cart option (Amazon, etc.) consider using: Share-A-Cart

Home Depot does not allow for certain items (lumber) to be purchased online, they must be bought in-store. If you need to purchase an item in person, you will need to get approval from your advisor and then request reimbursement.

Many vendors sell their products on Amazon so instead of using multiple vendors, with multiple shipping charges, check Amazon for availability.

Purchasing a Gift Card: follow directions at: Gift Cards – Procure to Pay – Cal Poly. Email the Gift Card Request Form to the AERO office. Include a Hospitality Form (PDF).

Printing shirts with logos or Cal Poly branding: Follow the directions at University Brand – Trademark Licensing ( Include a Hospitality Form (PDF).

The least expensive shipping rate will be chosen unless indicated otherwise.

The office does not track your budget. When planning your project budget, please remember that taxes and shipping will be added to the final cost.

Ship-to Address:

    • → All order will be shipped to the AERO office. It is your responsibility to come pick it up when you have been notified by email

Place Your Order:  AERO Purchase Request (AdobeSign) to have the office purchase your requested items with the department procurement card.

Returns / Issues With Your Order:  If you need to return an item, please first contact the company regarding their return policy.  Once you have the information needed to make the return, email the AERO office with the details.

A request to hire an ISA must be made by faculty/supervisor. The form will not be processed if submitted by the student.

Hiring Process:

A request to hire an ISA must be made by faculty/supervisor. Once faculty submits a hire request, the department office will initiate two forms which will be routed to the student for signature via Adobe Sign.

  • → ASE 101: Agreement between faculty and student outlining job responsibilities.
  • → ISA 101: Payroll appointment record with rate of pay.

Faculty: AERO ISA Student Hire Request Form

New Student Employee: Once you complete your section of the ISA 101 hiring form in Adobe Sign you will receive an email from I-9 tracker.

  • Fill out page 1,
  • Using the link provided, schedule your intake appointment with Payroll to complete a Student Employment Request Form (SERF) and I-9.

Note: You must meet with Payroll Services no later than your first day of employment. You cannot be paid for any time prior to your intake being completed.

Please bring the following with you for your intake appointment:

Getting Paid:
  • → Step 1: Enter hours worked on your online timesheet. A student may not work more than 20 hours per week in all student jobs combined. If you work for multiple faculty within the same department, enter them together. Instructions for entering time.
  • → Step 2: Use the screen print function of your web browser to download a copy of your timesheet for your records (does not need to be submitted to the office).
Once you have entered your hours for the pay period, the office will approve and your pay will be issued within the regular pay cycle. Students are paid approximately on the 15th of the next month. Students can sign up for Direct Deposit to their bank account (you will need to provide your bank account# and routing# to Payroll) or pick up your paycheck at the Student Accounts window in Bldg 001, Rm. 211. Bring a photo ID to show at the time of pick up.
Late Timesheet
If you miss the deadline to submit hours using the online form, you will need to submit a late timesheet and your pay period will be interrupted. Late ISA timesheets that are submitted to Payroll Services by the 15th of the month are paid on approximately the 25th. Please email the completed late timesheet to your faculty and the office.  Faculty will email back with approval and then the office will submit the form to payroll for processing. Late Student Timesheet and Instructions.  

More information:
Cal Employee Connect – Payroll Services – Cal Poly – Direct Deposit, W2 information, Cal Employee Connect login

Please fill out form completely. After the form is signed by your instructor and the department chair, you’ll receive an email from the department administrator providing you a permission number to enroll in the course.

Special Problem Form

General student resources, such as housing information and links to other university resources are found on the Undergraduate Student Resources page

Domestic Travel to a Banned State: Please reach out to the AERO office to discuss the approval process for traveling to a banned state.

International Travel: To request approval for international travel, please start with the International Travel > International Center (

Domestic Individual Student Travel to a Non-Banned State, before your trip: All travel must be discussed and approved by your faculty at least 2 weeks prior to travel.  Please read the following directions and then initiate the AERO Travel Pre-Authorization Adobe Sign form below.

AERO Travel Pre-Authorization (Adobe Sign). Use your Cal Poly email and complete all highlighted field

If you will be traveling to the same site several times during the academic year you only need to complete the form one time. Indicate in the date fields:  From= Sept-Current Year, To= July-Year

You must be 18 years or older to complete this process. If you are under the age of 18, contact the office for the correct paperwork.

If you will be driving you must complete all steps of the Risk Management Driver Safety Program before you travel: Driver Safety – Risk Management – AFD – Cal Poly
NOTE: You are not authorized to drive until you have received notification of approval from Risk Management. Due to high request volume, please submit applications and supplemental documentation at least 30 days prior to travel.

Save a copy of the approved/signed form to submit with your Travel Claim.

Making Travel Arrangements: Once your pre-authorization is signed you can start making your travel arrangements. If you are traveling using CPC funds refer to CPC Travel Guidelines for answers on how to book most travel, meal per diems, reimbursement rates, etc.

Travel advances: Make your request on the Pre-authorization form. When your check has been issued you will be emailed to pick-up the advance at Payment Services, Bldg. 001-129.  Photo ID is required to pick up the check. Travel advances are not reflected in the club’s budget until the travel claim is processed.

After your trip: Within 10 days from the return of your trip complete and email the office the following together:

Travel Claim Form: Fill in student information and travel details on the form and email it to the office in the original excel format. The office will fill in fund and department information. It will then be routed back to you for signature.

Google Map: If you will be claiming mileage, download a copy of a map showing your route and miles.

Travel Pre-Authorization: Include your approved/signed Travel Pre-Authorization.

Travel Advance: If you requested and received a travel advance, please enter that amount on the form.

Receipts: Attach receipts for expenses $40 or more. Receipts must show final cost, itemized list of what was purchased, proof of payment, and date of purchase. If you no longer have a copy of a receipt then a Lost Receipt Form must be turned in for expenses $40 or more.

Proof of Payment: Bank statement showing charge (personal information may be blacked out).

Airfare: Your club has the option of using the CSU-wide travel agent, Christopherson Business Travel for airfare. Charges for airfare are billed directly to your club account. To use this option email the AERO office the following:

  • Name of each traveler (provide the full name that appears on driver’s license or passport)
  • Each traveler’s date of birth
  • Departure date
  • Preferred time of day to depart
  • Airport you wish to depart from
  • Airport you wish to fly to and the same for the return.

Vehicle Rental: Your club has the option of using the CSU-wide travel agent, Christopherson Business Travel for vehicle rentals. Charges for vehicle rental(s) are billed directly to your club account. To use this option email the Me office the following:

  • Name of driver(s)
  • Type of vehicle
  • Pick-up destination
  • Time of day to pick-up and the same for the return.

Reserving a Charter Bus: Your club may directly book with the list of Bus Charters contracted with Cal Poly. Please DO NOT pay for a bus charter yourself.  Always have Cal Poly send a check for payment to the bus company on behalf of your club after the trip has been completed.

For more information about university travel policy and reimbursement rates, see the University Travel guidelines.


Student purchases project materials utilizing their own funds and requests reimbursement.
This process is only to be used if the department procurement card is not available and a purchase request submitted and approved by the department chair.
Note: Reimbursement is not guaranteed, only to be used if you are sure that your purchase complies with eligibility requirements. 

Please hold all receipts and wait to submit for reimbursement until all your project purchasing is complete.


Reimbursement Form: Please ask your faculty where your funds are coming from, State or CPC, to select the correct reimbursement form.

If you are utilizing State Funds: Reimbursement Form. Please download, fill out and email the form to the office in its original excel format. The office will fill in Chartfields on Step 4. You will receive an email when your reimbursement check is available for pickup in the AERO office.

If you are utilizing CPC Funds: Check Request Form (Excel), Cal Poly Corporation Forms and Instructions. Please download, fill out and email the form to the office in its original excel format. The office will fill in Org Key and Object Codes. Your reimbursement check will be mailed to you.

Receipts: Number your itemized receipts/invoices (photo or scan is acceptable). They must include the following information:

  • Date
  • Vendor or payee name
  • Amount paid, showing shipping and tax separately
  • Proof of payment (cash, credit card, personal check)
  • Description of the item(s) purchased
  • If you are missing a receipt using State funds, please fill out a Lost Receipt Form.
  • If you are missing a receipt using CPC funds, please fill out a Missing Receipt Form.

Proof of Payment: Attach proof of payment in the form of a bank statement or a screenshot of the charges on your credit card (personal information may be blacked out).

Please submit a Hospitality Form (PDF) with your reimbursement request if this is for an event/hosting (includes food, beverages, or merchandise).

Email form in its original excel format and all required documentation to the AERO office  who will route it for signature approval and submit it for payment processing.  Please note that reimbursements typically take two weeks for processing once it is approved by the AERO office for payment.