A proud moment for the students and the department occurred in 1935 when Amelia Earhart, world-famous aviator, landed on campus for structural repairs on her plane.a

Today, the Aerospace Engineering Department prepares students for work in the exciting field of aerospace engineering. Students are prepared for engineering work dealing with aerodynamics, propulsion, stability and controls, and structures of aircraft, missiles, and spacecraft. Throughout the four-year program, there is constant interplay between theory and application. Opportunities are available for advanced undergraduate and graduate work in the student’s field of interest, with laboratories available for course work and research projects in the following disciplines:
Aircraft and Spacecraft Design
Structural Test and Analysis
Control Systems
Subsonic and Supersonic Wind Tunnels
Water Tunnel
Flight Simulation
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Finite Element Analysis
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
Thermal Control
Orbital Debris Analysis
Nano-Satellite Design