How to Submit a Star-CCM+ Job

To schedule a job, you will need to write a SLURM batch script for your job. See the example below. Save your script as jobname.sbatch. Once you have written your script you will need to run it.

Run a SLURM Batch Script:

[user@Head ~]$ sbatch jobname.sbatch

Example SLURM Batch Script:

#SBATCH –comment=starccm-parallel-test
#SBATCH –ntasks=4
#SBATCH –job-name=starccm-parallel-test
#SBATCH –output=output.%j.starccm-parallel-test
#SBATCH –time=01:00:00  

#### SLURM 4 processor STAR-CCM+ test to run for 1 hour.

module purge
module add StarCCM+

starccm+ -batch -power -podkey podkey -licpath -np $SLURM_NTASKS filename.sim