How to Submit a FieldView Job

To schedule a job, you will need to write a SLURM batch script for your job. See the example below. Save your script as jobname.sbatch. Once you have written your script you will need to run it.

Run a SLURM Batch Script:

[user@Head ~]$ sbatch jobname.sbatch

Example SLURM Batch Script:

#SBATCH –comment=fieldview-test1
#SBATCH –ntasks=4
#SBATCH –job-name=fieldview-test
#SBATCH –output=output.%j.fieldview-test
#SBATCH –time=01:00:00  

module add fieldview

fv -batch -s test.sim

FieldView Batch Command-Line Switches

Argument Description
-batch run in batch mode

use batch-only license, batch mode forced

N refers to the number of parallel processes which can be run in batch-only mode and can be set to 8, 16, 32 or 64. A batch-only license, consistent with N, is needed for this switch to work correctly. (1)

-f name run a restart when starting FieldView
-s name run a script when starting FieldView
-fvx name run an FVX program when starting FieldView

use parallel license

N refers to the number of parallel processes which can be run in parallel (not including the master process) and can be set to 8, 16, 32 or 64. A parallel license, consistent with N, is needed for this switch to work correctly. (1)

-python name run a python program when starting FieldView
-pN DataGuide TM switches:
0 : only Grid file
1 : both, function subset
2 : both, all functions
-fc use PLOT3D/Fast mouse controls
– create_exterior_fvbnd Generate FVBND file (must be used with -pN)
-create_wall_fvbnd Generate FVBND file (must be used with -pN)
-gamma value set PLOT3D gamma (default=1.4)
-gasconstant value set PLOT3D gas constant, R (default=1.0)
-silent suppress all warning pop-ups
-port port_number set the port number to use for Client-Server or Parallel operation